Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Molly Sims remembers Michael Jackson at a Hamptons Magazine event

June 30th, 2009

The Hamptons Remember Michael

Across town, Molly Sims broke into an impromptu version of P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) at Hamptons Magazine's tail party at Tommy Hilfiger's new East Hampton outpost. There debuting
Hilfiger's T-Studio, Molly told us P.Y.T. was her favorite Michael Jackson hit, right after she broke into song. "I grew up listening to Michael Jackson," said Sims. "That song is the best."

timing was perfect as DJ Sam Siegler, who already had the song queued up, began to play P.Y.T. as soon as the words came out of her mouth. Also celebrating at the Tommy Hilfiger store in East Hampton was Beth Ostrosky Stern. "He was my first concert ever," Beth told us, refering to Jackson. "I remember seeing the (Thriller) video when I was little. We all went and crowded around the TV
when it premiered. It was amazing. I remember it so well."

Courtesy of FGPR

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