Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Liya Kebe shows that she can be a supermodel and a mother with Hamptons Magazine

Liya Kebede is a “Super-model” mom in every sense of the word. In an interview with Hamptons magazine last month, the mom of two(Liya has a daughter Raee,3, and son Suhul,8), shows us why she has been dubbed a “Supermodel mom”.
Here are a few highlights from her interview with Hamptons magazine, in which Liya talked about her philanthropic efforts and her clothing line LemLem, inspired by her daughter Raee:
On her inspiration behind her clothing line: “If I weren’t a model I wouldn’t have done it. As a model, I learned so much about clothes and the making of a garment. I’m from Ethiopia, and on one of our trips we visited local weavers working in poor conditions who didn’t have a market for their products anymore. I was in a position to try to give them jobs, keep their art alive and also bring the sensibility of a unique garment to the West. That’s the whole picture of how Lemlem was created. I started with children’s clothes because I love shopping for my children. It also gives kids here something beautiful that was made in Africa.”

On her goals for your foundation:

“We try to help mothers get basic health care during pregnancy and delivery. Every minute a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth, often from things that are completely treatable or preventable. In five years I want the whole world to know about this issue. We want maternal health to be a priority. I would love for Mother’s Day to become a celebration of mothers around the world—a day not just for your mom, but to remember others and to help save a mother in another part of the world.”

Read More at Hamptons-magazine.com.

Courtesy of FGPR

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